Our Mission


Our mission is to connect and empower talent from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese diaspora, and promote Chinese culture in the global entertainment industry. Our core values include supporting creativity, diversity, equality and freedom of expression. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, dance, education, film, gaming, literature, music, television and theater, Chinese in Entertainment provides insight and inspires collaboration to address present and future challenges.


Our History

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Chinese in Entertainment started as an informal happy hour gathering of young professionals working in entertainment, media and the arts in the historical Los Angeles Koreatown on August 8th, 2016. The volunteer-run happy hour then became a monthly bar crawl, which was later renamed to the Los Angeles China Mixer.

As more volunteers joined the group, the three initial organizers, a Chinese filmmaker, a Taiwanese film scholar and an American sinophile decided to join force to put together the annual Los Angeles Chinese Film Festival (LACFF) and officially registered the parent organization as Chinese in Entertainment in 2017.

Now, in addition to the flagship program LACFF and the monthly mixer, Chinese in Entertainment also hosts other programs including a monthly Writers' Workshop and a Speaker Series that connects up and coming talent with industry veterans.

In 2020, Chinese in Entertainment will launch our own digital media publication Sino-Screen and a membership program to help our community navigate in an ever-changing media and entertainment landscape.

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Our Achievements

Over the years, our organization has hosted numerous successful events featuring groundbreaking artists, industry visionaries and academic leaders including Michael Berry, Rong Chen, Mike Gabrawy, Jessica Gao, Randy Greenberg, Gua Ah-leh, Zhangke Jia, Bennett Pozil, Robert Rosen, Stanley Rosen, Helen Shang, Momo Wang, Xiaolu Xue, Brian Yang, Janet Yang, Jimmy O Yang, Ling Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Ji Zhao, Xu Zheng and Hao Zhou.

Through our various events, we have connected newcomers to Los Angeles with executives from top Hollywood studios, networks and production companies, and helped filmmakers getting representation at top Hollywood agencies such as the Creative Artists Agency; our flagship program, the Los Angeles Chinese Film Festival has hosted 100+ screenings and and several LACFF award winners, such as King of Peking and People's Republic of Desire were later successfully distributed to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and PBS.     

In a time that underrepresentation, misrepresentation and censorship still haunts the Chinese community around the world, we believe our presence is not only meaningful but also necessary. Chinese in Entertainment is currently 100% volunteer run, and your support is what makes our programs and initiatives possible to serve our community. 

We look forward to seeing you at one of our next events! 


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