

why Donate to Chinese in entertainment?

Dear Potential Donors,

Chinese in Entertainment is a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports freedom of expression and diversity and inclusion in the global entertainment industry. We are committed to creating a more equitable and inclusive space for Chinese and Chinese American artists and performers.

Your donation to Chinese in Entertainment will help us to:

  • Provide educational resources and training programs to help Chinese and Chinese American artists and performers develop their skills and navigate the entertainment industry.

  • Advocate for Chinese and Chinese American artists and performers by working with industry leaders and policymakers to promote diversity and inclusion.

  • Produce and support original content that features Chinese and Chinese American artists and performers.

Your donation will also help us to continue our important work in supporting freedom of expression. Chinese in Entertainment believes that all artists should have the freedom to express themselves without fear of censorship. We are committed to creating a platform where Chinese and Chinese American artists can share their stories and perspectives authentically.

Why is it important to support freedom of expression and diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry?

The entertainment industry has a powerful influence on our culture and society. It shapes our understanding of the world around us and the people in it. When the entertainment industry is diverse and inclusive, it reflects the diversity of the real world. This is important because it helps to promote understanding and acceptance of all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other identities.

Freedom of expression is also essential to a healthy democracy. Artists and performers play a vital role in society by challenging the status quo and holding the powerful accountable. When artists are free to express themselves without fear of censorship, they can help to create a more just and equitable society.

Please consider making a donation to Chinese in Entertainment today. Your support will help us to continue our important work in supporting freedom of expression and diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry.

Thank you for your generosity!


Chinese in Entertainment


Please donate to us via Zelle’s QR code above.

If you would like to send us a check and for donation amount higher than $250, please email us at to request a tax exempt receipt for your donation.

If you are a business owner, please also consider sponsor our events.

If you can’t provide monetary donation, please also consider joining us as a volunteer!